
01 绿色生活


假定你是李华,你校即将举行主题为“Let’s go green now”的英语演讲比赛。请你用英语写一篇演讲稿,要点包括:







Boys and girls,

I’m honoured to give this speech.____________________________________

That’s all. Thank you.


Boys and girls,

I'm honoured to give this speech. With the development of society and economy, the number of private cars is increasing at a surprising speed. As we all know, cars give off poisonous gas such as carbon dioxide, causing global warming, frequent natural disasters, diseases and so on. In order to protect our environment, it is high time that we should go green.

Firstly, we should raise people's awareness of the importance of going green. Secondly, using public transportation or riding bicycles instead of using cars can make a great difference to the problem. What's more, we should take full advantage of water, electricity, paper, food and so on. Last but not least, it is a good idea to classify rubbish and recycle it in our daily life.

That's all. Thank you.

02 语言学习










Dear Tom,How are you doing?I’m glad to hear from you. From your letter,___________________

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Dear Tom,

How are you doing?I'm glad to hear from you. From your letter, I know that your class will develop the students' interest in Chinese learning. Now I share some advice with you.To begin with, all the signs and slogans in your class should be written both in Chinese and English, which can create an atmosphere to learn Chinese. Secondly, you should set up a Chinese Corner in your class, where you can practice your spoken Chinese. Last but not least, you should invite some Chinese teachers who have a good command of Chinese to come to school to communicate with students face to face. I do hope my suggestions can be helpful to you.I'm looking forward to getting your good news soon.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



假定你是新华中学的学生李华,上周日你不慎把书包遗失在操场上,里面有学生证、手机、钱包等物品,你校外教Mr. Smith 捡到后上交给学校。请你用英语给他写封感谢信。





Dear Mr. Smith,__________________________________________


Li Hua


Dear Mr. Smith,

I'm Li Hua, a student from Xinhua Middle School. I'm writing this letter to thank you for returning my schoolbag.

Last Sunday afternoon, after I played basketball with my friends in the playground, I left my schoolbag there owing to my carelessness. I was worried because my student's ID card, cellphone, wallet and some documents were all in it, which are very important to me. Just as I was at a loss, I was informed that my schoolbag was at the school's Lost and Found, where I knew it was you that had picked up my schoolbag and handed it in.

It's such a great kindness of you to do so. I'm extremely grateful to you. You did set a good example to us.


Li Hua

04 人际关系




I'm 18 years old and I'm going to a university in Beijing this autumn. My parents insist on going with me to help me with my daily life. But I think I can manage it all by myself. How can I make them change their ideas?






Hi, Mike,

As a student of your age, I understand your situation._______________________________________

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Hi, Mike,

As a student of your age, I understand your situation. I think it is wise of you to go all by yourself. But you need to deal with your problem cautiously. You'd better avoid hurting the feelings of your parents. Here are some of my suggestions.

As your parents, they may have many reasons to go with you. This is your first time to be far away from home for so long, and they surely have some worries and wish to see everything goes well. So you'd better have a talk with them peacefully and listen patiently.

And then, express your thanks for all their love and care. Persuade them you can manage everything well this time just as you did many times in the past. Remember to invite them to Beijing when you settle down. I am sure they will understand you and take your idea into consideration.

All the best.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

05 未来理想

【题目要求】在成长的过程中,我们总是对未来从事的职业充满憧憬,你班将以“My dream career”为题举办演讲比赛。请你根据以下要求写一篇英语演讲稿,要点如下:








My dream career

Good morning everyone! ________________

Thank you for listening.


My dream career

Good morning, everyone!

Today, please allow me to give you a speech on the career I will take up in the future.There is no doubt that I have great expectations for the future job as everyone present. And my dream career is to be a tourist guide. From my early age, I have been admiring a guide who travels everywhere, sharing the knowledge of local culture and customs and enjoying the brilliant landscapes at the same time. In addition, it is a well-paid job.To be a good guide is not an easy job.

Only by hard work can I achieve the qualification and serve the people properly.Thank you for listening.
